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News > GSP Bigfoot 3 completed the new template installation in Akcakoca field
GSP Bigfoot 3 completed the new template installation in Akcakoca field
June 21, 2010
GSP Bigfoot 3, with the diving and subsea survey equipment onboard, successfully completed the operation of template installation. The existing template was removed and the divers further proceeded with the installation of new subsea template pin piles. The operation was carried out according to the installation schedule Turkish Petroleum (TPAO), the client company and GSP, the offshore construction project (EPIC) contractor have agreed upon. GSP Bigfoot 3 was assisted by GSP Licorn and GSP Orion, PSVs.
The new template was fabricated in GSP Shipyard. It was sea fastened onboard the technical vessel and transported to the location, in Western Black Sea, according to transportation engineering and the installation operation manuals.
The jacket is also prepared for transportation to Akcakoca field, the sea fastening activities being carried out in GSP Shipyard. Akcakoca platform will be set over the new mating template and the two existing wells.
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